
Paróquia São José realiza comemorações na Semana Santa

Após os festejos de São José, quando a Igreja recebeu um grande público, a Paróquia São José começou os preparativos para a Semana Santa com a Missa de Domingo de Ramos e se estenderá durante os próximos dias da semana.

Todos os dias, acontecerá a Missa Penitencial; às 15h a Via Sacra e à noite Santas Missas. Na quinta-feira, às 19h, o local Santo iniciará o Tríduo Pascal, onde será feita a memória da Instituição da Eucaristia e Sacerdócio.

Já na Sexta-feira da Paixão, às 15h, será realizada a Liturgia da Paixão e Morte do Senhor. Posteriormente, às 19h, haverá uma encenação, preparada pela comunidade, seguida da Procissão do Senhor Morto, que percorrerá, como de costume, as ruas do bairro.

No Sábado de Aleluia, a paróquia permanecerá em silêncio durante o dia inteiro para que, às 19h, seja celebrada a Vigília da Páscoa, considerada pela É católica a “mãe de todas as Vigílias”. Domingo de Páscoa, todas as Missas serão festivas à data.

“A Semana Santa é o momento de nós revivermos, Liturgicamente, essa experiência de fé e a partir daí nós nos abrirmos à experiência da cruz, que nos deu Jesus como sinal da nossa libertação”, destacou o Padre Gilmar Souza da Silva, Pároco da Igreja de São José do Ipiranga.

Suas expectativas durante o Tríduo Pascal (quinta; sexta e sábado) na paróquia são de “boa participação dos fiéis”. “É o momento de renovarmos a chama da nossa fé, que se fundamenta nessa tríade: Paixão, Morte e Ressurreição do Senhor”, destacou o Padre.

“É um convite que faço a todos os católicos do nosso bairro, mas também dos bairros vizinhos, para poder vir celebrar conosco esse tempo forte da graça de Deus que é a Semana Santa”, conclui.

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  1. What Does A Positive TB Skin Test Look Like?

    Health Conditions

    Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection that primarily affects the lungs and is spread through airborne droplets.
    A positive TB skin test indicates exposure to the bacteria, but it doesn’t necessarily mean active disease.

    Condition Spotlight

    **Understanding Latent and Active Tuberculosis**

    – **Latent TB**: This means the bacteria are inactive in the body.
    A positive test result here indicates past exposure.
    – **Active TB**: This occurs when the bacteria become active, causing
    symptoms like coughing, fever, and weight loss.

    Wellness Topics

    **What Happens During a TB Skin Test?**

    The test involves injecting a small amount of TB antigen into the skin. A healthcare provider then applies
    a numbing agent and reads the results after 48-72 hours.
    A positive result shows immune response to the bacteria.

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    Health News

    Recent updates on TB research and treatment are encouraging better outcomes through
    early detection and proper care.

    This Just In

    New studies highlight the importance of regular TB testing, especially in high-risk populations.

    Top Reads

    1. Understanding Latent TB: What It Means for Your Health
    2. Signs and Symptoms of Active Tuberculosis
    3. The Importance of Timely TB Testing

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    How to Identify a Positive Tuberculosis (TB) Skin Test

    A positive TB skin test indicates exposure to Mycobacterium
    tuberculosis. The test is a key tool for early detection.

    Latent and Active Tuberculosis (TB)

    Understanding the difference between latent and active
    TB helps in determining the next steps after testing positive.

    What Happens During a TB Skin Test?

    The procedure involves an injection followed by reading
    the results. Here’s what you need to know about the process.

    Part one

    The TB skin test involves injecting a substance called tuberculin derma-judge into the skin. This triggers an immune response if the individual has been exposed to TB bacteria.

    Part two

    After 48-72 hours, the area around the injection site may develop swelling and induration. These are signs of a positive reaction.

    What Happens If Your TB Test is Positive?

    A positive result means exposure to TB bacteria. This could mean latent
    or active infection, depending on symptoms and medical evaluation.

    Identifying Infection

    A positive TB skin test indicates potential exposure.

    Further tests like chest X-rays are needed to determine if the
    infection is latent or active.

    Images of Indurations

    The skin around the injection site may show induration, which is a sign of a positive reaction. This is typically measured in millimeters
    to assess severity.

    Understanding Your Test Results

    Positive results require further evaluation to determine if the infection is latent or active.
    Treatment plans are then tailored accordingly.

    False-Positive Result

    A false positive occurs when the test incorrectly
    shows a positive reaction, even without TB exposure. This is rare and usually due
    to incorrect testing methods.

    False-Negative Result

    A false negative means the test didn’t detect exposure despite potential risk factors.
    It can lead to missed diagnoses if not followed up.

    Symptoms of TB

    Symptoms like persistent cough, weight loss, and night sweats are more common in active TB and
    indicate the need for further evaluation.

    Next Steps After a Positive Test

    Following a positive result, individuals should undergo a chest
    X-ray and blood tests to determine if they have latent or active TB.

    Treatment is usually started if active disease is confirmed.

    What Is the Treatment for a Positive TB Test?

    Treatment depends on whether the infection is latent or active.
    Latent cases may involve antibiotics to prevent progression,
    while active cases require a combination of treatment and preventive measures.


    A positive TB skin test is crucial for early detection. Understanding its implications
    and following up with medical evaluation ensures proper management of health outcomes.

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